How it Works
How it works QuotesRain acts as a social network for the literary community. You can become a valued member of our community by simply signing up with us. How to Sign Up? You can Sign Up either by submitting the required details or you can directly sign in via your Facebook account. You have to choose one of our provided Author Programs (Pro or Free).
After signing up, you will be a registered member of our community. Now you can login to your account and manage your profile and check out other tools.
How to login? You can login by using your email address and password which will be delivered to your email account after you have signed up on QuotesRain or you can login directly through your Facebook account.
After logging in, you will be automatically directed to Dashboard where you can edit your profile.
Editing Profile Submit your personal details accordingly and provide us with links to your other social networks, so that we can promote you and your works through these platforms. Author Detail The details that you provide us will be published and will also contribute to your author profile page, making it artistic and interesting to attract readers.
Submit your Book You can display your books on your profile page by uploading their details in the ‘Submit your Book’ section. We would neither be in possession of your books nor will we try to sell it on our website by any means. We are simply a promotional platform and provide the readers with your book details and links to amazon and other websites from where they can buy them. Change Password Your privacy is secured. You can change your password anytime at your disposal with just few simple steps. Manage Tweet Scheduler By clicking on Manage Tweet Scheduler you will be directed to our easy-to-use tool via which you can schedule your tweets.
    How to use the tweet scheduler?
  • Click on My Account and go to Books Tweet Scheduler.
  • Link your AllAuthor account with Twitter.
  • Set a daily limit.
  • Add your tweets
  • Your tweets will be scheduled automatically and will be posted periodically from your account.
Add Quote/ Book Teaser By clicking on Add Quote/ Book Teaser you will be directed to our Create a New Teaser page. Here, you can easily create a picture quote or a book teaser for any of your books.
Feel free to contact us for more information.