Ask Chantay Hadley a question

      • Chantay Hadley Chantay Hadley 3 years ago
      • It’s very strange, my source of inspiration. About 25 years ago I became a Christian and attended a regular bible study. I noticed that several people missed attending on occasion and, since I was already taking notes, thought hey, I can just hand these out.
        The minister at the time (now my Pastor) loves the initiative and enjoyed reading the notes m. He asked me if I ever thought about writing a book.
        I was inspired from that moment on. I began my magical journey to learning the craft that day and I have been writing ever since.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Chantay Hadley Chantay Hadley 3 years ago
      • Yes. Find YOUR way. There are things that work for me. There are authors that would tell you to write every day. There are those that will tell you to follow your muse. My encouragement is that you get to know you as a person. Find out what works best for you and forge ahead, setting your goals and disciplining yourself with determination. Future you is excited! They want to meet you in all of your capacity for walking out your gifts. They don’t want to meet you trying to be a carbon copy of Stephen King or Laurel K. Hamilton. They want to know who they really are. Only then will future you see his/her potential and be empowered to become. So, as we say at home, DO YOU. Let your authenticity shape your style, habits and progress. The only regret you will have is if you quit; or worse, realize you’ve been moving in the wrong direction the entire time. Neither of these mistakes are possible if you’re being authentic and following your own star.
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