Writing very quickly became my passion. Even working full-time as a medical secretary, I devoted much of my spare time to honing my characters and my first storyline. In fairness, even though I thought the first draft of Book One was a masterpiece in the making, it was actually very amateurish. My lengthy experience as a reader taught me how to develop not only the characters but also how important it is to add detail and substance and draw the reader into the story as it develops. The finished product I have today is largely due to input from my few but faithful readers, my dearest friends, and family members, who advised me that I shouldn’t have included a certain part or I should take a certain part out and it is thanks to them I have the full-sized, and completely finished to my satisfaction, novel that I do today. The storyline itself had never been an issue. I had, although not necessarily in order, a beginning, a middle, and an end. I made adjustments through the years but the storyline stayed essentially the same. I found I enjoyed my characters very much and, despite not holding back on giving them trials and tribulations through everyday life, I ultimately wanted what was best for them.
I deliberately made each main character as different from the others as possible. I gave each of them completely different backgrounds and upbringings but also wanted them to have the same professional capabilities to ensure an easy working life together. I thought it was inevitable they would meet and fall in love, so that was deliberately why I brought romance into the story.
Before the first book was even completed, I had come to realize I wasn’t done with my characters just yet. I had already thought up the idea of a second book in the series, to take up about six months or so where the first book left off. Although the second book holds a lot of dark content, and even a few pages of extremely violent content, the story itself could have brought my characters to an end of their literal lives. But still, I wasn’t done with them and a third book came along, then a fourth, and so on until I now have six books completed. Books 7 and 8 are on the way!
All my books are available in paperback and ebook formats on Amazon under Bathville Books.
Series: Bathville Books
Crime Fiction, Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Romance
Series: Bathville Books
Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Action & Adventure, Romance