B.J Starink


Suspense Fantasy Horror Children's


Well people to be starting with check out my new children's project: Https://theboogeymansclub.com
I'm working on a domain name, and I'll get it when the website get a bit more traffic

Hi, I'm B.J Starink and well I'm a author of several bestsellers like the In Love series De In Liefde Series Stormie in Dutch and english and my very first book Onbekende Neigingen!
And I'm a writer of Psychological Horror books. And Horror/Fantasy books. Well, anything horror-related. Or something like that, you know?

And I'm The Supreme Boogeyman too the founder and boss of theboogeymansclub.com
So yea I'm a author of the 18+ horror as well as the horror children books I'm just all out horror

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