Crime Fiction Mystery Supernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Western Romance Fantasy Horror Poetry


Hi All! I am Christina! I'm a 42 year old aspiring author. I live in the Mid West United States with my husband, 4 cats, 2 dogs, a duck, and a slough of fish. Hobbies aside from writing include camping, gardening, and Martial Arts. Publishing a book has always been a dream of mine. I have always been a great story teller, and have been told that I have a talent for writing. My Sophomore English teacher actually wanted to help me get published, but at that time, I did not have the motivation to make it happen. I suffered from a long period of Writer's Block, after adult life became a reality. There were many reasons, but the best way to describe it is simply that as responsibilities increase, they kind of decrease creative ability. After some encouragement from friends and family, I took some experiences from my own life, and added some fiction, creating 13 Miles North. I hope that this will be the first of many publications under my pen name, Christina Lynne. I currently have one more story in progress which will be a rewrite of something I did in my teens. I have many more ideas! I hope you all enjoy my stories.

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