P.A.Brown is a recent author of non-fiction books. His interests, from even a young age, are travel, ancient stonework, oddities and curiosities of the world—especially the unexplained. This causes much travel — twice around the world, foot-slogging in remote places in many countries and islands. His longest single flight with two short stops, not stopovers, lasted 51 hours — not his favorite flight. Surely there are better ways to travel? Hence his new book — “Hack Your Flights. Complete Guide to Everything Air Travel”.
Writing 10 INDELIBLES has had a cathartic effect on me. Keeping such strange happenings locked in my head, in some cases for decades, is one thing. Sharing them in this book with strangers leads to interesting feedback and a pleasant feeling that others have open-enough minds to see that there are still many things about us that remain to be discovered.
Teen & Young Adult, General Nonfiction
Supernatural Suspense, Biographies & Memoirs, General Nonfiction
Supernatural Suspense, Action & Adventure, Teen & Young Adult, Children's, Biographies & Memoirs
Supernatural Suspense, Action & Adventure