Aza Prem Charu worked as a NYC dance teacher for 25 years. She has had a private practice combining massage therapy, dance/movement therapy, hypnotherapy, hydrotherapy and small dog therapy. She is also a dance/theater performing artist, author, visionary and mother of 3 beautiful children, (including Mahdi who is in Spirit), who were all raised holistically.
Inspired by the death of the body of her eldest son with whom she works in Spirit, she has channeled a vision for the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage where all members commit to their own healing as a pre-requisite for joining. The Unite and Thrive Ecovillage will include the Divine Healing Evolving Enlightened Portal (DHEEP) Healing Arts Center, the Sacred Warriors of the Light (SWOTL) School of Transformation for youth ages 4 to 26, and the Agape Perfoming Arts Center (APAC).
She sees the Sacred Warriors of the Light Healing Movement and the creation of the DHEEP ecovillage, as part of a global movement of creating ecovillages all around the planet to replace the destructive forces that are currently controlling the people of Planet Earth in hurtful ways. She sees that healing our personal, collective and generational wounds as the essential first step to creating a new way forward as we create the New Way Of Being On Earth Together (NWBOET) in this time of the Great Awakening.
She is passionate about creating empowering alternatives to everything in our lives.