Deborah Perdue

United States

Advice & How To General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality


Deborah Perdue is an award-winning author of five books on her favorite passion and topic, gratitude. She also teaches workshops and classes and facilitates women's retreats on the topic of gratitude, abundance, and how to live a life of peace and joy.

It has been her passion to help others transform their lives and her own life through her spiritual path and the power of being grateful! She has been a Center for Spiritual Living licensed practitioner for over 14 years.

She writes spiritual articles and blog posts on gratitude. They have been published online and in local publications. Deborah has been writing 'Daily Gratitude Reflections' to her subscriber email list for over seven years! She was first introduced to the practice of gratitude on a daily basis at the Center for Spiritual Living in the Rogue Valley.

It is her intention that her gratitude journals and books will be a blessing to others who wish to uplift their consciousness by practicing gratitude. The spiritual classes she facilitates encourage others in their transformation to awakening.

In 1994, Deborah received two Bachelor's Degrees (Cum Laude) from Sonoma State University, in English (emphasis: creative writing) and Studio Art (with emphasis: photography).

Her graphic design business, Illumination Graphics, is a rewarding and prospering business that she loves. Deb is an accomplished book designer with over 20 years of experience, and she chooses to specialize in the design of spiritual book covers.

Living in the country in Oregon, her home office overlooks beautiful forested land and is near the "Famous Rogue River," where she, her husband, and two dogs visit and swim almost every day in the summer. She hails from the San Fran Bay Area CA, where she spent 45 years until moving to Southern Oregon.

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