My Magical Inner Child and the journey of re-claiming my “super powers” inspired the writing of Cassandra and the Crystal Cave. The seed for this book germinated when, as a teenager, I wrote and illustrated a children's book for a creative writing course. I hope Cassandra and the Crystal Cave will inspire you to always follow your dreams!
I activated my empowerment through years of practice in cross-cultural shamanic healing. My vision is to inspire teen girls and women of all ages to reclaim their energy mastery and empowerment, to follow their dreams and life purpose…just as Cassandra is doing!
I love creating art, ceremonies and music; communing with nature and participating in creative, spiritual, and healing arts communities.
I've sold my visionary art internationally. The 2012 We’Moon wall calendar featured my “Star Gazer” spirit bear painting. I published my memoir, Activate Your Soul, Manifest Your Dreams, in 2015, under the name Debra LightHeart. My account of a mystical wilderness experience in Alaska is incuded in the book Shamanism, published by Sacred Stories/Common Sentience Book Series, to be released October, 2022. I invite you to join my e-mail list for more information, special offers & updates!
Social Media links coming soon! Blessings, Deborah Shining Star