E.A. Bucchianeri hails from the old Wild West, Virginia City, Nevada to be precise. A town made famous by its gold and silver mines, the Bonanza TV series, and Mark Twain who immortalized his experiences as a miner, journalist, and writer's blocked editor for the local paper in his autobiography "Roughing It".
She later moved to Co. Tipperary Ireland, finished High School there at Loreto Academy and graduated from University College Cork. While classical music and musicology was her major, she loves to write. When not roughing through a case of writer's block, the author enjoys writing non-fiction. When the author is suffering that dreaded affliction, drowning in chocolate is the next best thing.
Bucchianeri currently lives in Fatima, Portugal. Vocation of a Gadfly is her second fiction novel, Book Two of the Gadfly Saga. She also writes non-ficton works.