I got my start writing novels by accident. I have always been drawn to strong female characters in books, like Honor Harrington. And I also believe that there is a lack of LGBT characters in media. So one day I came up with a story idea that combines the two... two days later I completed the manuscript for Music of the Soul.
My writing style may not be the most professional nor grammatically correct, but I never profess to be an English major, just a person that wants to share a story. I maintain that my primary language is sarcasm.
Each of my books features strong likable female characters that are flawed. I think that flaws and emotional or physical scars make us human and give us more character than simply conforming to some "social norm".
Series: Techromancy Scrolls
Action & Adventure, Paranormal Romance, Romance, LGBT, Science Fiction, Fantasy
Series: Unleashed
Crime Fiction, Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance, Romance, LGBT
Series: Worldship Files
Crime Fiction, Action & Adventure, Paranormal Romance, LGBT, Science Fiction, Fantasy
Crime Fiction, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Action & Adventure, Paranormal Romance, LGBT, Fantasy