Lena Lane

United States

Contemporary Romance Romance


Lena has been writing since high school—though that first story will remain in the dark corners of her closet to protect everyone. After all, she writes romance, not horror. Just kidding! It’s not really that bad, but her idea of romance and love has certainly changed through time, not to mention her writing skills.

Growing up in a traditional and strict family, Lena was protected—or maybe overprotected. Books became her escape, her only avenue to see the world beyond the walls of her shelter. It wasn’t long before she realized that romance was the way to go. No matter how difficult the characters’ circumstances were, by the time the book ended, everything was perfect. In romance, there is always a guaranteed happy ending.

Reality was not welcomed and Lena devoured books like people eat chips. As soon as one was done, she was on the hunt for another. When reality intruded in her life—like work (ugh!)— and reading other people’s work was impossible, she started daydreaming, creating her own stories. Now, she wants to share those daydreams and passion with the rest of the world.

After getting her own happy ending, Lena lives in a small town in Massachusetts with her husband, two girls, two dogs, and four cats, and if her eldest daughter has anything to do about it, maybe a bird in the future… She really hopes not, though. Birds are really, really loud.

Her stories have been described as spicy yet sweet, with just enough humor to give the reader an occasional giggle.

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