Nicole E Kelleher

United States

Thriller Suspense Contemporary Romance Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Paranormal Romance Romance


Author of the Heart & Hand Series, Nicole's first book, Wild Lavender, is a 2017 Golden Quill Winner for Best Fantasy Romance and a finalist in the New England Readers Choice's Contest for Historical Romance, The Kathryn Hayes "When Sparks Fly" Contest, and the Maggie Award for Excellence.

Both Wild Lavender, Book One, and The Queen's Dance, Book Two, were relaunched with new content in 2022. Book Three in the Heart & Hand series, The Naked Moon, will be released in December, 2022!

A graduate of the University of Michigan’s College of Literature, Science and Arts, Nicole E. Kelleher studied French Literature and Language, Spanish and Chinese. During this time, she attended classes at the University of Michigan’s School of Art with an emphasis on drawing, watercolor and photography.

She resides in Virginia with her children, husband, and Tully the Dog. When she is not writing or taking care of her family, she volunteers at a local organization helping the less fortunate. She encourages her friends and readers to do the same.

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