" I Write, I Walk, I Do Yoga And Meditate - -I Love my life in the desert southwest!
I graduated with a BA in art and English from Sonoma State University in California. I've been an avid reader since I first learned how and a writer from my early teenage years on. I've had several art related businesses, including greeting cards and more recently a silk painting business. When I began to write in earnest I put aside the art, concentrating only on the writing.
I've traveled a lot over the years, finding inspiration wherever I go. Scotland holds a special place in my heart, hence the setting for "The Moonstone". I had to make a 4th trip there to do research as I was putting the book together!
Series: Gypsy series
Time Travel Romance
Series: Gypsy series
Time Travel Romance, Fantasy
Series: Gypsy series
Science Fiction