Rita Ownby Holcomb

United States

Historical Romance Historical Fiction History


Rita Ownby Holcomb is a fourth generation Texan who has always been fascinated by the question, "Where do we come from?" Her genealogy research led to the birth of the A Twist of Tobacco series. She is a proud member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. For thirty years she served on or presided over various civic organizations including, the Community Theater, Historic Museum, Texoma Council of Governments and Meals-on-Wheels. After serving as an elected City Council member she retired from civic service to become a buyer and seller of vintage clothing and accessories. Listed in Who's Who in American Women in 2000 and Who's Who in America in 2003 Rita is now a full time author. Married since 1972 to Darrell Holcomb, they have one son, Stuart B. Holcomb.

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