SD Barry

United States

Literary Fiction


Like my main character, I attended a Catholic School in San Francisco during the 1950s. It took me years to get over the effects of religious indoctrination. My story traces a time in the life of such a boy.
After high school, I entered an apprentice program in the San Francisco shipyards and spent eight years building ships for the U.S. Navy. During that time, I worked with older Black men, from the Deep South, who shared their histories and hard-won philosophies. I used those stories to create one of the principal characters in my novel.
During those busy years, I worked my way through college, earned a degree in Biology and Physics, and subsequently spent forty years teaching high school science.
I wrote "In the Shadow of an Irish God" to explore what might have happened to my spiritual life had I come under the influence of a thoughtful mentor during my early teens.
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