Sherrill Joseph

United States

Historical Mystery Mystery Action & Adventure Children's


Sherrill Joseph was a shy kid whose BFF was Nancy Drew. From her, the author learned to seek adventures, be kind and fair, and help others everywhere. Convinced early on that she was an architect in a former life, Sherrill was receptive to the magic of her San Diego neighborhood's historic houses. To this day, she dramatizes those old "castles," filling them with mysteries, extraordinary staircases, and exaggerated occurrences. Once retired in 2013 from teaching kids for thirty-five years, the child in Sherrill created the award-winning series the Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries with a twist of history so her grandkids and all kids can forever gallop with her and her four sleuths in their standalone cases after clues to nab the bad guys.

Her work in progress is her series Book 6--Upas Street: Shocking Specter, due to release in October 2024. She promises many more adventures with the detectives to come!

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