Tina Hogan Grant

United States

Contemporary Romance New Adult Romance Women's Fiction


. I was born in a small town called Ilkley. A quaint little Yorkshire town in England. I came to the States in the 1980s and soon found myself faced with many challenges from poor decision making on my part. My debut novel RECKLESS BEGINNINGS, which is based on true events takes you on that journey. I’ll be posting excerpts, a giveaway and more about the book in another post so be sure to check back.

I now live in a small mountain community in Frazier Park, southern California with my husband/best friend of twenty-seven years. If a couple can survive the frustrations, up & downs and not to mention the cost of building a house then, anything else that may come along will seem trivial and it does.

We love our little town and the many friends we have that also call it home. It’s a close-knit community where a simple task of going to the post office can sometimes take an hour. Not because the line was too long, (I’ve never seen more than three people in line at one time.) but because we spend too much time in the lobby chatting to everyone because we all know each other.

My husband and I are outdoorsy people and love exploring new towns, especially ghost towns and old western towns. Oh, the stories they could tell. I can only imagine.

I often post about my life on my blog

If you want to be kept in the loop about my books, new releases or when my books are on sale, consider signing up for my bi-monthly newsletter. I

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