Tim Wojcik

United States

Historical Fiction Christian Fiction General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction


Becoming a bookseller gave me the opportunity to enjoy the many facets of books – be it the cover of the book, the story, the pictures, meeting customer demand, the publishers reps, or the satisfaction of building a collection. It was an era of the family bookstore, and the Little Professor Book Center in Trenton, Michigan needed a manager. For the next seven years I lived and breathed the business and pleasure of book selling. I worked in or managed bookstores in Michigan (Dearborn, Trenton, Traverse City, downtown and Midtown Detroit) and in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

At Cana, my first novel, developed over many years of mornings or afternoons grabbed during summer and Christmas vacations and school holidays. Mixing sacred and secular characters offers challenges for the writer who wishes to stay on good terms with his faith-based community. Other writing projects offer topics as wide ranging as a 21st Century horizon! And, I continue to keep in touch with my librarian community.

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