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Warren is currently looking for a literary agent. He uses his vast life and work experience -- from the kitchen to the studio, the agency to the classroom -- for our collective benefit.

His website design (he is a practitioner and a teacher) is inspired by his background as a sculptor. To say he loves chocolate is an understatement.

Warren enjoys teaching small business owners how to be successful online -- by tapping into their creativity.

Art and Digital are spaces that should be both inclusive and accessible. This influences Warren's entire philosophy.

Along with his book, "Art in Chocolate," a collection of recipes, chocolate sculptures, and short stories, Warren brings us four novels too. "The University Club", and the sequels "Not Now, Katrin", and "A Wrinkle in the Glass".

His newest short novel has been recently published: "like so many pearls before a swine: a love story" (2022)

Be sure to follow him on Twitter at @warrenlnaida and check out his websites at and .

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Warren Laine-Naida Book List