Whether it’s repairing a home or taking care of clients’ other needs, Twin Cities handyman Sam Haney is in demand from his mostly female clientele. Despite Sam’s lothario reputation, love isn’t part of his portfolio. He’s built a lot of walls in his time, but the one that’s surrounded his heart ever since the death of his parents is his most solid yet.
Haley Cooper has had enough heartache for a lifetime. Her high school sweetheart up and moved to Indonesia—alone—just two weeks before their wedding. Her mother thinks it’s time for Haley to move on and contracts Sam to work on Haley’s wreck of a house—and anything else, if he’s got the notion.
Sparks fly and passion ignites. But Haley isn’t into Sam’s love-’em-and-leave-’em act. She wants something more. Fixing a house is one thing, but for this handyman, building a relationship will need a whole different set of skills.
Series: Perfect, Indiana
Contemporary Romance
Series: Perfect, Indiana
Contemporary Romance
Series: The Haneys
Contemporary Romance, Romance, Women's Fiction, Humor
Series: The MacCarthy Sisters
Paranormal Romance, Time Travel Romance
Series: The MacCarthy Sisters
Time Travel Romance, Women's Fiction, Fantasy
Series: The MacCarthy Sisters
Paranormal Romance, Time Travel Romance, Fantasy
Series: The Novels of Loch Moigh
Paranormal Romance, Time Travel Romance
Series: The Novels of Loch Moigh
Paranormal Romance, Time Travel Romance
Series: The Novels of Loch Moigh
Paranormal Romance, Time Travel Romance
Series: The Novels of Loch Moigh
Paranormal Romance, Time Travel Romance