NOTE TO READERS: If you love the work of Anna Hackett and Eve Langlais you will love this. This is a sci fi romance filled with hot explicit sex, strong dominant men and sexy females who know how to hold their own. It’s gritty, confrontational and stream will be Coming out of your ears. If you’re looking for something to get those juices flowing, you just found it. Enjoy!
This novel is written mainly in British English, with Americanism’s and slang from both languages.
Ava Simmons was one hell of a Captain, she was also a Protectorate. An investigative Judge for Intergalactic Law and answered to no one but the law and she liked it that way. Her ship and crew were specially designed for this work and excelled at it. Her services and crossing Worlds didn’t come cheap.
Her mission, find out what the hell had gone wrong on Paneithior Three. Communications with the Colony had stopped. Where they should have been, was now dead Space and Earth Corp wanted to know what had happened to their investment. They’d already lost a Space Station to Cyborgs and were pissed. Get in, find where it led and if necessary, hold those accountable and get back with the answers. Easy. Trouble was, in Space, nothing was that easy. Something always came up.
Jeux. Cyborg Captain, Councilman and friend of Admiral Rage ran a tight ship. His task, keep their Space free from marauders and he and his men were very good at it. They searched and hunted. Killed when needed. Saved who they could. New technology meant Pirates were now on the endangered list in their Space and he had no problem with that. It was what he was made for. To fight. Find them and get rid of the trash. Easy.
Only things kept getting in his way or was that dropping in his lap? It was difficult to tell. Like answering a distress signal for a ship fighting off being boarded in their Space. Nothing new.
What he found when boarded was. Something, that jump-started systems that were long dead, something he wanted. Craved. Something he would have. A female of honour and worth. Ava.
***They circled. Jeux stopped with his back to the range. Ava barely held on to her temper. “What’s the matter Ava, no guts no glory. How about we see who can do this better?” He bated her. Ava clawed her fingers.
No guts? Had he really just told her that? Ava stared at the gorgeous male in front of her and raised both guns. She’d had enough of this bullshit. He tempted her on every level and the scent of him coming earlier was imprinted on her brain. He was big, so dam big. Everywhere. She kinda liked that and wished she didn’t. It would make things so much easier if she didn’t and he was pushing her too far. She’d taken as much as she was going to. He’d fucked her, given her the best time of her life, then tossed her aside, taunted her and talked shit about her. No one did that. She was no one’s servant.
“You’re pissing me off Cyborg.” Jeux couldn’t help but smile wider. She looked so determined. So she knew they were Cyborg, thought Jeux. Good. She’d know it was all him. He didn’t understand her anger. There was no logic to it. She’d wanted him on every level earlier and he’d been happy to oblige throughout the night. Nothing held back between them. Raw and hungry, just how it should be.
Jeux just stood there. That dam confidence oozing from him, smiling back at her and Ava didn't like it. “You need to know your place female.” He told her. Hell no he didn’t. Ava gripped her pieces and a calm certainty overcame her. She was in control here.
“I know exactly what my place is arsehole and it’s not on my knees.” She sneered. His smile only got wider and that really pissed her off.
“But baby, your so fucking good at it.” Ava fired and kept firing until both guns were empty and smoking. Ejecting both clips, she re-loaded in seconds.
Seconds she didn’t have. Jeux whispered in her ear, "you lose beautiful."