Christian Nonfiction, Religion & Spirituality
Five words that would change a life forever: I See Greatness in You. No one had ever spoken those words into the life of Larry Ragland, leading him to spend his entire existence believing the opposite was true. But the moment he heard those words, everything changed. For the first time in his life, something deep within him was released. Those five words ignited the secret potential within him that had been crushed and buried. That same potential is within you as well. It's in us all, but only a few ever see it. The DNA of greatness is placed inside all humanity from the moment of conception. It comes from God. We are created in His image and likeness; therefore, greatness is our destiny. But life has a way of convincing us otherwise. You will read a story of abuse, devastation, rejection, and shame. But you will also read of miraculous revelation, renewal, and rebirth. This is a story of great loss--and incredible restoration and redemption. Larry takes you on a journey to finding your personal greatness. His unique style weaves his experiences into the lives of some of the most famous Bible characters, helping you to connect with them in a new and fresh way. As you'll see, the greatest heroes in the Bible had to find their way to greatness, too. This is not just Larry's story. This is your story! The greatness is in you ... you just need someone to see it.