No one forgets their first love...
That first kiss, the passion for music or the view from the top of a mountain. First loves come in many forms, and for ELL DONELAN it was her home; The Willows. Filled with desire and courage, she fought to save it, salvage what she could from it then concocted a scheme to obtain a piece of it. Gambling, the one way a girl in the mid 20’s could raise cash quickly. Just a pretty girl having a lucky night, what was the harm?
It was a great plan until she drew the attention of the mob. Late one night REGGIE MARTIN and his friend filled her doorway. He too had a hunger he chased; it was not women or power but an empire. He yearned for a change, the pursuit of it consumed him. That was until a mob boss sent him to straighten out a reckless gambler with hazel eyes.