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Looking for Travel Ideas? Travel Memoirs with Pictures: Exploring the World is a beautifully illustrated picture book filled with reflections of the author's travels around the world. In this pictorial travel book of the author's priceless memories, she describes places visited and the wonderful times she and her family had in their tourist trips. The book is great to read while on a vacation or for some travel inspiration. REVIEWER "An informative and enjoyable book to read. The author writes of her world travels with her family. She shares her experiences with the reader. You'll read of the various sites to see in each location, the restaurants with delicious foods, and which restaurants are more reasonable in cost and which more expensive. She writes of the various ways to travel and of the climate of the location. You read her travels to different locations in the world: Paris, Germany, Amsterdam (Holland), New York (USA), Los Angeles, California(USA), Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), London (United Kingdom), Toronto (Canada), Colorado (USA), New Orleans (USA), Italy, Spain, Miami (USA), Orlando (USA), Caribbean Vacations, Anguilla, Puerto Rico, Caracas, Barbados, Cruise to the Bahamas, Cartegena, Cruise to Cozumel (Mexico), Trinidad and Tobago. Nearing the end of her book she ends with a delightful poem of her travels. This was a nice touch." Amazon Reviewer Try the colour Edition at https://www.amazon.com/Travel-Memoirs-Pictures-Exploring-world/dp/1520564279

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