In this sequel to The Dell Street Boys, Principal Erica Cobbin has fallen in love with Lance and his young twin sons. What happens when Lance's deceased wife turns out not to be so dead after all. Has he lied to her? Has the entire town?
Series: Dell Street
Romance, Women's Fiction, Humor
Series: Enchanted
Paranormal Romance, Women's Fiction, Humor, Fantasy
Series: Enchanted
Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Paranormal Romance, Time Travel Romance, Women's Fiction, Humor, Fantasy
Series: Enchanted
Historical Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Time Travel Romance, Women's Fiction, Humor
Series: Jennifer
Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction
Series: Jennifer
Mystery, Contemporary Romance, Romance, Women's Fiction, Humor
Series: Wyandotte Series
Crime Fiction, Mystery, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Women's Fiction, Humor
Series: Wyandotte Series
Suspense, Mystery, Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction, Humor
Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Women's Fiction, Horror