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Book Description

***This book was previously published in Amazon Kindle Worlds***

A woman who betrayed her county.

Violet Myers has a good reason for her treachery – better to sacrifice the few to save the many. The only problem is, no one believes her. With a platoon on Navy SEALs walking into an ambush, the stakes are high. Her only hope is convincing the sexy Jaxon “Blue” Cain she’s telling the truth this time.

A man who took an oath to protect his country from all enemies – foreign and domestic.

Jaxon Cain bleeds red, white, and blue. The former Air Forces Pararescueman takes the promise he’s made to serve his country as an honor.

When the traitor, CIA analyst Violet Myers, shows up claiming to have information the Red Team needs to save Wolf, Abe, Cookie, Dude, and Benny from walking into a terrorists sophisticated trap Jaxon’s first impression is toss her out on her lying ass. However, Tex confirms the group of SEALs are indeed where she says they are, and Jaxon and his team have no choice but to listen.

But after that… then he’ll toss her out on ass. That’s if he can keep his hands off the pretty liar.

Disloyalty. Dishonor. Deceit. The three D’s Jaxon hates the most – Violet has a lot to make up for before she’ll find redemption

Other Detail

Riley Edwards,Operation Alpha Book List