Prissy's Predicament: Tales From Biders Clump: Book Five

Series: Tales from Biders Clump


Historical Romance

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Book Description

Cheerful, sassy and one of the most adventurous cooks in the tiny town of Biders Clump, Priscilla Adams has charmed friends and family alike. Her usual bubbly personality is a draw to many, but when her heart turns toward the town’s baker a brush with sorrow dims her usual spark.
Rupert Rutherford has finally found exactly what he’s been looking for; a quiet town, far away from the trouble of the past, where he can bake delightful treats in peace. But when he meets the vivacious Miss Pris, he nearly forgets his desire to remain unnoticed.
Could a woman like Priscilla Adams really care for a man like Rupert? A man with a shameful past. Any honorable man would see that the woman he loved was happy, even if it is with another man.

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