The Blessed Flock

Series: Cicada Series


Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Action & Adventure, Dark Romance & Erotica, Literary Fiction, LGBT, Humor, Fantasy, Horror

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Book Description

"Now that Nora Toliver was the last surviving member of the Apples Kiss Gang," she no longer had to stay away from Harmony. Her Great, Great Grandfather, "Protestant Pastor Johnathon Tucker," founded the township back in the eighteen hundreds. Her family, "at that time," had been sent away with the threat of death and told never to return after the Pastor had committed unforgivable acts and murderous sins. "If they did," the residents would kill them like he had done to the Founding Fathers. Sadly, "against Nana's and Little. Miss. Bitches dying last wishes," she was going anyway. "Maybe," if she offered them a nice slice of pie, "that was so juicy it flowed like the sweetest comb of honey across an experienced tongue," and shared the rich cider that dripped from her, "fresh plucked and squeezed," apples, they just might let Nora stay.

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