You may have picked this book up and put it down! I hope though that you take the trouble to read this! The cover is there to shock. I think we hide our eyes from such brutality and in doing so it happens all the more! Look at the rhino calf, you can see the despair, you can see it wishing its mother to stand… and you know it never will. We are decimating our planet without care or guilt. Whilst this is a book of mixed poems and ramblings which I hope will bring you joy, I also hope it will make you think… and act. Be aware of what is happening please. It isn’t just endangered species but man. If you take the trouble to read the contents, I hope you will understand my concern for all, and that includes mankind. Turning a blind eye to terrorism, brutality, bullying - whether it be to man or beast - will never stop it. As long as we are ignorant, it will continue.