In this excellent new novel, author Lesley Tréville, weaves an intricate and interconnecting tale of destiny and fate as the lives of JJ and Tréville slowly become entwined in the pages The Life of Tréville. In this last book of the series, you find out JJ survives the shooting, but to what consequences? Tréville’s life is turned upside down. Follow their traumatic lives, which bring heartbreak and joy. Will they be re-united? How does Tréville become Commander of the Musketeers? With the past catching up to JJ and Tréville and the lives of the people they care about hanging in the balance, will they and The Musketeers be able to battle back against the darkness that’s about to find them? Find out all this and more in this exciting, gripping, fast-paced historic romance adventure that will keep you hooked from start to finish.