A town full of mystery and intrigue. Corrupt politicians. An out-of-control police force. A wealthy family who controls everything. Criminal merchants, drug trafficking and violence. Other than that, a pretty nice place to visit.
This is a story of an age-old ritual played out every day. Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy marries girl. On the surface, it seemed like a routine series of events; like a math equation. One plus one is two, two plus two is four, but with them, one plus one—no one really knew. Most couples I’d met seemed ordinary. John and Darlene’s relationship wasn’t ordinary; quite the contrary.
At first glance, it was a relationship which seemed to work. But no dating service in its right mind would have ever paired these two. John and Darlene were a far cry from Romeo and Juliet and the term polar-opposites came to mind.
John lived in a plain and simple world. Darlene was surrounded by wealth and opulence. She had a perfect life. Good looks, intelligence, and drive. John, on the other hand, seemed to go with the flow. Darlene could have had anything her heart desired. Him? He was lucky he didn’t wake up under a bridge.
It would have been romantic to suggest they found each other like two ships lost at sea, but with these two, it was more like the Titanic running into an iceberg.