EXPLOITATION NATION #3: BIZARRO FILMS What makes a movie "Bizarro"? Is it lack of rules, or simply a lack of *recognizable* rules. What makes "Forbidden Zone" Bizarro? What about "Meet the Hollowheads" or "Paperhouse"? In this issue, we attempt to answer that question, with contributions from the authors of "BIZARRO ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FILM (VOL. I)", Heather Drain and John Skipp. PLUS: Part one of an extensive look at the career of Jose Mojica Marins, aka "Coffin Joe"; an exhaustive interview with filmmaker Rolfe Kanefsky; Greg DeLiso and Peter Litvin are the men behind "Hectic Knife", and an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Stephen Sayadian (aka "Rinse Dream") in which we discuss "Nightdreams", "Cafe Flesh" and "Dr. Caligari". Don't miss out! Order yours yesterday!