Wrong About Harry (A Harry Hamm Mystery Thriller)


Historical Mystery, Thriller, Suspense

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Book Description

Best laid plans go wrong for private detective Harry Hamm. His most important promise is the hardest to keep. Harry finds being an upstanding citizen and civilian doesn’t work, when everything is on the line.

For what purpose does a guy buy a shotgun and three handguns? Harry must find out to protect his family – wherever it leads, whatever the risk.

Harry needs help to watch his back. Louie Sisler doesn’t look the part, though he has the reputation. Is it exaggerated? A hundred dollars a day plus expenses leads to questionable expenses. There’s a cost to everything, especially when it comes to taking the law into his own hands. Harry doesn’t like it, doesn’t want to do what he has to do. He does what needs to be done.

Why does the FBI want to talk to him about Tony Bacca Jr. and Carmen “Curly” Romano (like the cheese)? Are they fishing to catch Harry or do they know what he doesn’t want them to know? The past bubbles up like a bad case of what the Italians call agita.

A crapshoot is risky and uncertain. It’s what’s wrong about Harry, a private eye with a hat, a gun, an attitude, and a chance to save himself.

What’s worse? The wrong answer to the right problem? Or, the right answer to the wrong problem? Harry hopes it doesn’t take everything he has to turn what’s wrong right.

Mystery Thrillers:
No Place In Heaven
The Wrong Dame
Wrong About Harry

Poetry Collections:
Mixed Memories
Saturday Soldier of Fortune
Painter In The Mirror

Other Detail

David Lee Dambrosio Book List