Death and Taxes: Fallout from the Baby Boom


Advice & How To, General Nonfiction

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Death and Taxes: Fallout from the Baby Boom reveals the depth of the looming elder-care crisis. There are many facets to the situation beyond the obvious size of the demographic that has begun aging into their 70s. Fewer children born to subsequent generations, a growing age gap between generations, and life expectancy all serve to complicate the elder care issue. Eldercare has many components related to health, finances, and safety for those who would support our elder population. Most of these issues are intertwined, thus requiring caregivers to choose a holistic approach. Supporting our eldest family members is averaging three years worth of care coming from a combination of family members and professionals. Death is inevitable, thus end-of-life conversations are a necessity. Avoiding such conversations within a family can be costly for all parties. That cost will be more than money, it will also impose health and emotional taxes upon all involved. While ignorance may be bliss, denial regarding death is just unnatural. It will happen to us all and quite likely before most of us are ready. The correct conversations and documentation can make a difficult situation easier for all as we handle the fallout from the baby boom.

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