In the distant future, where the devastation caused by war has driven the human race below the surface of the Earth, society is split in half. The rich scientists live in towers where they can monitor the surface and determine when the poisonous gases have cleared and the world is safe for humans once more. Meanwhile the majority of the human race lives in crowded labyrinthine caves, where life is harsh and short. Uneducated and with no real prospects for the future, a ‘lab rat’ is lucky to live to see thirty years of age. Employment options are minimal and few can escape the fate of choking to death on the dust of the caves. When AJ, one of the poorest members of society, needs credits for medicine for his sister he is in a desperate situation. With no other options available he risks alienation from his family by selling himself to the highest bidder. Love is the last thing on his mind, but while Blake, his new owner, might not be Mr Right, Ryder, his servant, just might be. Unfortunately, their different backgrounds, prejudices, and AJ’s brutal owner seem destined to keep them apart but true love can be theirs for the taking if only they can find a way.
Series: Gay Ever After
Romance, LGBT, Fantasy
Series: Gay Ever After
Romance, LGBT, Fantasy
Series: Gay Ever After
Romance, LGBT, Fantasy
Series: Mermen & Magic
Paranormal Romance, LGBT, Fantasy
Series: Mermen & Magic
Paranormal Romance, LGBT, Fantasy
Series: Mermen & Magic
Paranormal Romance, Romance, LGBT