Out of Necessity


Historical Fiction

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Book Description

Times were tough. Myles Keegan was a logger in the “big woods” of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. He took pride in what he did even though it barely made a living for him and his wife and son. The reality of his situation was Taulman Logging dictated his financial well-being. And then came that fateful day in the fall of 1897. It was a day that would start him on an insane quest that he never imagined himself doing but, as it turned out, he didn’t really have a choice. He’d laughed at the others who had gone before him but now, seemingly everyone, his wife included, thought he should do this. If he were man enough to see it through, and he had some luck, life would be good. On the other hand, if he fell short in either of these categories, his life might not be worth living at all.

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