Series: The Galaxii Series
Action & Adventure, Science Fiction
Mykl d’Angelo, skipper and owner of the loderunner Pegasus, had fallen on hard times – and he'd just had the worst day of his life in that field. Due a minor misunderstanding, his crew had stolen the "Short Shit" - the ship's only shuttle, leaving him and two others behind to crew the ailing (and now understaffed) loderunner on their own. As if that weren't bad enough, just a few hours later, the ricketty old ship literally lost its stardrive in the middle of the middle of nowhere. To add insult to injury, Mykl's two remaining crewmen were killed in the explosion. Marooned alone in deep space, Mykl d’Angelo counted his blessings, offered prayers to any gods who specialized in miracles, and prepared to await (A) seemingly unlikely rescue, or (B) a lingering death. ...The universe however, seemed to have other plans. "Blachart" is book 1 in the Galaxii Series by Christina Engela.
Series: Panic! Horror In Space
Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Horror
Series: The Galaxii Series
Action & Adventure, Science Fiction
Series: The Galaxii Series
Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Horror
Series: The Quantum Series
Action & Adventure, LGBT, Science Fiction