In Graced to be a Rebel, Kimi provokes the reader to think and see the world in a different perspective. The perspective of common sense. Against all odds, she learned to walk alone on a narrow path of morals and high standards. The task was hard. But with the understanding that perfection without love still equals no compassion. This book talks about compassionate being key but compromise without common sense will still breed low standards and morals. Imagine a world of compromise, where there’s no right or wrong way to do anything concerning morals. Imagine a world seemingly with no common sense. Imagine a world of gross darkness and not a single flicker of light. Imagine a world filled with everyone doing their own thing without regard to others. Imagine a world filled with nothing but selfishness. Imagine a world filled with hate and jealousy. Imagine a world that makes you feel so lonely and isolated. Kimi has lived in it (the world) but with a thankful heart she believes she’s ‘Graced to be a Rebel’ by the Father.