In the third instalment in the charming Honeycake Book Series, Nala brings her outgrown toys and clothes to Rainbow Hall, and spends the day with her Grandma and Uncle JD discovering a special magical power we all have, called ✨KINDNESS✨ "Kindness is a "Special Magical Power" we all have inside of us. When we show kindness, it's like spreading sunshine everywhere we go — no matter what the weather is like outside. Could you imagine how much nicer the world would be if everyone smiled at each other or did a random act of kindness every day? We are kind when we use our manners by saying please and thank you, or by opening a door, or by giving our seat on a bus or train to a stranger in need. Kindness is a gift we can all afford to give. Though it doesn't cost a thing, your kindness can mean everything to another person." Use your "Special Magical Powers" and spread kindness everywhere you go!