"Wait, how did I make you quit? You reek of smoke," Sebastian replied starting to get annoyed with talking to drunken Danny. He rolled down Danny's side window a crack to try to get rid of some of the smoke smell."Oh, do I? My friends were smoking around me at the party. Can I shower at your place to get rid of the smell?" Danny asked avoiding the first question entirely."You can, but you avoided the first question, Danny.""Oh, what was it again?""How did I make you quit smoking?""Oh right, that. Well, ever since I found out that you didn't like the smell of smoke I've tried a couple times to quit, and this would be the longest I've gone so far without a smoke.""Why did it matter to you that I didn't like the smell of smoke?""Well that's because I like you," Danny replied simply smiling like an idiot as he slowly began to nod off.Danny will do whatever it takes to protect his younger brother but when he meets Sebastian, the new kid in town, he questions everything that he was led to believe. There is a shadow over Sebastian as he tries his best to move on and forget the traumatic incident that had happened back in his hometown. Being forced to work together Danny brings back the worst parts of Sebastian's past, and Danny rediscovers his own closeted skeletons that Sebastian had brought back to life. Trigger Warning