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Book Description

Author Kevin E. Eastman delivers the 2nd edition of his clever combination of personal experience, logic, humor, and observation, and explains to the reader, the formula of overcoming many of life’s obstacles is simpler than you think, but may not be what you’d expect. Life throws you curveballs, barriers, roadblocks and obstacles, regardless of who you are. Ever wonder how or why they keep getting in the way? The answer itself may be a curveball. Take a no-nonsense, fun, engaging, and informative approach to a series of topics that may be complicating life. Improving is much easier when you have the right tools to guide you. Growth occurs by getting beyond the boundaries of comfort, and this book will test those boundaries. This is a must-read for anyone tired of "detours" blocking the path to success and happiness. Problems require effective solutions, and with this book, you will learn: 1.How to identify and tap into strengths, and pinpoint possible improvement areas to achieve personal growth. 2.How to put passion and purpose ahead of pride, fear, and discomfort. 3.Some behaviors that may be the barriers between you and enjoyment. 4.The importance of balance, and how easy it is for a person to create an IMbalance. 5.Simple, but effective methods to transform your thinking, break tough habits, and make positive adjustments, to get you on (or back on) the path to success and enjoyment.

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