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This enlightening book provides insight into what personal and company values are and how they can either undermine a business’s performance or create a customer experience that has them coming back for more. All individuals and organizations have values, whether they realize it or not. Values that are ignored contribute to impaired decisions, poor relationships, unnecessary conflict, and increased stress, resulting in underperformance and lost opportunities. Values that are upheld enable effective decisions, improved motivation, increased trust, and collective focus on organizational goals, resulting in loyal customers and increased bottom line. This book outlines how to identify values and the crucial role executives and managers need to play in supporting company values in order to harness their power. So, whether you’re a small business owner or run a multi-million dollar enterprise, whether you’re the chief executive or a front-line manager, or an employee who struggles with connecting with their workplace, this book will change how you see values and the role they can play in your business. “This book will take you to the real core of why some organizations function badly but no one knows why.” - David Wells, CEO, Acuity SOS

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