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Have you ever found a secret diary tucked away in a drawer? You'd have to peek inside wouldn't you? This poetry collection starts with a diary entry which draws the reader into a hitherto secret club, at least a place that was mostly spoken about in hushed tones. This is a strange phenomena, as all women will visit this place at some point. Yet the signposts to Perimenopause are few and far between. Karen Honnor, the author of this book and Dizzy Peri in question, is aiming to join the many women who are changing this fact. Her diary of thoughts and poems arise from her experiences and emotions through midlife and menopause and its associated mental health issues. Many of the pages will mirror the experiences of others, the highs, the lows and the empowerment that comes from knowing that others too have been here. Menopause campaigner, Karen Kenning recommends this collection saying "I found a little bit of me and my experiences in each poem. Written so beautifully, I think a lot of what is written here will resonate with many midlife ladies."

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