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YOU'VE GOT THE MAGIC, WHO NEEDS A GENIE? has been eighteen years (and 450,000 miles) in the making. It's a treasure trove of everything the author learned about being a road warrior on the holistic expo circuit that helped her scale the twin mountains of Metaphysical A-Lister and Business Master. And it's all here for you. Do you need a bigger audience for your psychic work? Are you looking to showcase your healing skills for a larger client base? Would bringing your holistic creations offline and directly into people's hands take your work to the next level? Whether you're just starting in the field or are a seasoned Lightworker looking to up your public profile, YOU'VE GOT THE MAGIC, WHO NEEDS A GENIE? is packed with clear, useful information and suggestions so you can make every expo a five-star experience. Corbie Mitleid knows what it takes to go from unknown to A-lister. With a combination of motivation, persistence, honing her skills and developing valuable business practices, Corbie has successfully scaled the the twin peaks of the Metaphysical and Business worlds. Today she has a global reputation, rock-solid connections with first-rate event promoters, and a constant stream of clients both in-person and remote around the world. You've Got the Magic, Who Needs a Genie? is a practical guide to making your name in the holistic expo field. In this book, you'll learn about: oTHE BASICS: Holistic Expo Boot Camp explains how to find the fairs and make sure you are a professional standout from the time you walk in the door. Learn the secrets to creating your expo showcase, from your booth look to your personal statement to your show assistant. oTHE SOCIAL APPROACH: You can have the best looking booth in the world, but if you don't know how to make that "connection magic" with the folks who walk by, you'll have a very short-lived show career! Learn how to shine to both your clients and your show colleagues: professionalism on your part, best practices for networking with other folks in your field, and how to keep in touch with clients, including social media and advertising. oTHE INTANGIBLES: There are certain parts of show professionalism that aren't usually included in the instruction manual and can't be ticked off from a checklist. These "intangibles" are also referred to as the how: how you view yourself, how you view your work, and how you view your customers. oTHE KEYS TO SELF CARE: You'd never buy a car and forget to change the oil. YOU are the vehicle that drives your career toward success, and it needs just as much care and thought or you'll never get there. In this section, we'll discuss the best ways to keep your Road Warrior license up to date and the vehicle (YOU) running its best. oTHE GRAB BAG: Your career doesn't have to be solely focused around expos. Here, we'll highlight the gigs that may happen once your show career takes off, ways to raise your profile to become an A-Lister that much faster, and the information to keep you SAFE while you grow your career. No matter where you are in your Lightworker career, YOU'VE GOT THE MAGIC, WHO NEEDS A GENIE? is a treasure trove of clear and useful information from the woman who has been there, done that, and is ready to share her magic with YOU.

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