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Book Description

MOMENTS IN LIFE Moments in Life is a collection of haiku, from daily thoughts, daily routines, random scenes, random questions, heart-felt statements and emotions, to hopeful ideas and dreams, wishful thinking, moments in life that makes us feel… A reader may be able to relate with most, if not all, of the pieces in this literary collection. The words and phrases came about through the observations and experiences of not only the author, but everyone else. Moments in Life: A Haiku Collection is my second poem collection for 2020, outside the series A Curious Life. I wrote 52 pieces of haiku to represent each week in a year. As a reader, it isn’t advisable to read a lot of pieces in one sitting. Each piece should be savored and properly reflected upon for it to have an impact in our lives, no matter how little. Life has always been a journey and every piece of experience is a treasure cove of literary inspiration. As a writer, there is so much to write about, to express one’s perspective and learned lessons from those experiences. As much as I have certain experiences upon which the pieces are based upon, people have always had similar experiences with similar lessons. I hope you will be able to see yourself from the pieces included in this collection. A Curious Life will be my series of poem collections.

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