Fiery: The Tenth Novel In The Pseudoverse and an Electric Eclectic Book (Pseudoverse Series 10)

Series: Pseudoverse Series


Historical Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Historical Fiction, Women's Fiction, LGBT, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror

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Book Description

This Edition of the Tenth Novel in the Pseudoverse, Fiery, is rated RRR bordering on XXX. Fire is the PG-13 version of this novel. Welcome to the deepest, darkest part of your mind, Pseudos! Fire asks the questions, "where did we come from, and how did we get here? If humanity found out that it was about to be put to the ultimate test, how would the entire planet react?" This sequel to Ice is about love, compassion, understanding, and of course, humans and robots living together in the 22nd century. If we could cohabitate with artificial intelligence and conceive children, would we risk everything to carry on a legacy? Can we meld with A.I. and still be human? Once we reach the age of Transhumanism, we can never go back. Would we want to if we knew that our ancestors were once―? There is no denying the truth once you know it is for real. Fire combines all of the elements that most conspiracy theorists hold dear to their hearts, such as robotics, A.I., alien Intervention, Egyptology, and solar alignment. We wouldn't forget to include time travel, prognostication, and many other subjects that would fill the halls of a science and historical fiction museum. Starting where Ice left off, Fire will breathe chaos into a world that is overrun with Robokopias and send you on the roller coaster ride of your life. If you don't believe a novel can be this much fun, try to put this baby down once you have started reading. I hope you enjoy the madness that is the Pseudoverse as your favorite characters, and some new ones, come back to try to save humanity from a twenty-seven-year-old mistake. Pseudos, welcome to the Blade Zone. You are about to get your brain assaulted seven ways from Monday. This novel deals with two subjects that most people love to talk about quite regularly, artificial intelligence, and ancient aliens. Without beating either one of the topics to death like a dead horse, I hope you find this take on these subjects entertaining and thrilling. I have melded both of these subjects together because I believe one day we will find out that one has to do with the other, and we were right all along about most of our theories on these subjects. There is just too much evidence on planet earth to ignore the facts. As our antagonist says to Ray Nelson in this novel: "At one time, humans were smarter than they were today. Look at how long it took you to become technologically perceptive. If humans have been here for thousands of years, why did it take you only two-hundred of those years to go from steam power to developing artificial intelligence? I will tell you why. You only have broken the barrier of your brainpower at around twelve percent. Imagine what you could have done with the fifty to seventy-five, or even eighty percent that you started with." I want to share a quote with you about Artificial Intelligence: "Anything that could give rise to smarter-than-human intelligence - in the form of Artificial Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, or neuroscience-based human intelligence enhancement - wins hands down beyond contest as doing the most to change the world. Nothing else is even in the same league." —Eliezer Yudofsky I sincerely hope you enjoy the novel that has been one year in the making. Robotic Love, CG Blade

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