Series: The Mysterious World Of Professor Darkk And Miss Shadow
Thriller, Suspense, Supernatural Suspense, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
It is a secondary world that remains hidden in the depths of the shadows, where fears and nightmares become a reality, and evil shrouds itself to all. That is where you will find Professor Darkk and his faithful student, Miss Shadow. Two mysterious individuals with unique abilities.They are the ones protecting us and safeguarding society from the strange, the bizarre, and the unexplainable things that emerge from out of darkness. These are six short stories of their adventures; Confronting demonic creatures, stepping into a haunted house, uncover horrors hidden out of sight, and travel to destinations out of time and into space.Prepare to step into their domain and push back the evil trying to breech into our reality. And read the included preview chapter of the coming novel (Book #1) to see where the journey will continue next. Welcome to the mysterious world of Professor Darkk and Miss Shadow.
Series: Outer Red
Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Teen & Young Adult
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Science Fiction
Series: The Mysterious World Of Professor Darkk And Miss Shadow
Thriller, Suspense, Supernatural Suspense, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Series: The Mysterious World Of Professor Darkk And Miss Shadow
Supernatural Suspense, Fantasy, Horror