Hard Case 15: Hard Choices


Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Action & Adventure, Humor

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Book Description

In a whirlwind of traitorous politicians, Antifa/BLM looters and pillagers, the Monsters and Unholies unravel more of the New World Order cult. The Chicago cabal hiring killers to assassinate John and Nick’s crews, make a fatal error, as the number one assassin in the world treads the dark streets of Chicago once again. The kids go back to school, with Sharknado and Captain Hook continuing to bond during the Dark Lord’s training sessions. John takes a final last gasp challenge from the Oakland Antifa/BLM contingent, going up against a monster they call Jaws in Alexi Fiialkov’s warehouse, where the Dark Lord’s career started.

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Bernard Lee DeLeo, , Book List