Series: Susquehanna Series-Book 2
Paranormal Romance
In this, the second book in the series, Lily and her little autistic brother, Logan, once again find great adventure in the Susquehanna Valley of Pennsylvania. A stranger comes to town with magical powers. However, he is chasing a pack of shape shifting wolves. Lily and Logan are pulled into the chase and find they have many allies in the forest-an old witch named Florence, Squatches and tiny people of the woodlands called Woodpoots. This is a Young Adult paranormal story full of time travel, shape shifting and some romance. It also carries a strong message of tolerance and acceptance of those with disabilities. Great reading for Young Adults ages 15 and up.
Series: Aspen Winkleman Mystery - Book 2
Series: Aspen Winkleman Mystery-Book 1
Crime Fiction
Series: Cats of the Pyramids-Book 1
Teen & Young Adult
Series: Susquehanna Series-Book 1
Series: Susquehanna Series-Book 2
Paranormal Romance
Teen & Young Adult